Car Insurance

Asda Car Insurance

Receive online savings of up to 10% with Asda car insurance

Switch your current car insurance policy to Asda car insurance and receive a 10% online discount plus many other features…

What’s covered with Asda?

Asda Key Facts

  • They'll search 20 top car insurers and brokers
  • Good drivers can achieve a good no claims discount
  • Accident vehilce recovery service
  • Breakdown cover - additional cost
  • Courtesy car - additional cost
  • 24 hour claim phone line

How do I get more savings on car insurance with Asda?

When getting a quote from Asda car insurance you can lower your quote by carrying out some of these money savings tips. Having a good no claims discount can get you a fantastic discount off the premium. How many years no claims bonus do you have? If you have more than five years you should be able to get a good discount with Asda.

How many miles do you cover a year in your vehicle, do you know? Or do you just guess? The less miles that you do, the lower your premium will be. But what ever you do don’t lie and put something really silly like a couple of thousand miles, when you really do twelve thousand miles because if your in an accident and you need to make a claim and they find out that you have misled them you may find your policy being void. Then they will not pay out and repair your vehicle. So just be honest!